General Information

Information Durham

Updated continually, this database of government, social and human service agencies, cultural non-for-profit and charitable organizations is the most comprehensive listing readily available in Durham Region.


211’s award-winning telephone helpline (2-1-1) and website provide a gateway to community, social, non-clinical health and related government services.

Addiction Resources

Raise awareness on the dangers of addiction and supports the better well-being and self-improvement.

Promote better health through education and awareness.

Ontario Disability Support Program

If you have a disability and need help with your living expenses, you may be eligible for the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP).

ODSP offers:

  • financial assistance to help you and your family with essential living expenses
  • benefits, for you and your family, including prescription drugs and vision care
  • help finding and keeping a job, and advancing your career

Ontario Works

Ontario Works helps people who are in financial need. It offers two types of assistance:

  • Financial assistance, including:
      • income support to help with the costs of basic needs, like food, clothing and shelter
      • health benefits for clients and their families


  • Employment assistance to help clients find, prepare for and keep a job. This assistance may include:
      • workshops on resume writing and interviewing
      • job counselling
      • job-specific training
      • access to basic education, so clients can finish high school or improve their language skills

In most cases, a client must agree to participate in employment assistance activities in order to receive financial assistance.

Emergency assistance is also available to people who are in a crisis or an emergency situation (e.g. people who have lost their homes, are leaving an abusive relationship and/or are worried about their safety).

Tobacco-Free Life

A Guide to Quit Smoking.

The Recovery Village

Alcohol Abuse and Alcohol Addiction.